How Do We Keep Our Journalistic "Free Hand"?

JOURNALISTS DEPEND ON A FREE and unfettered internet to deliver news in their own communities and around the world. But, increasingly, they find themselves victimized by the same freedom. In some instances, the news they produce is drowned out by a flood of misinformation, disinformation, lies, and clickbait. In others, they are harassed and threatened by armies of vicious trolls, sometimes organized by governments, intended to hound them into silence. 
How on earth should journalists respond? 
David Kaye, the UN special rapporteur for freedom of expression and a law professor at the University of California at Irvine, has some suggestions.
Journalist especially citizen journalists depend on the internet and the ability to navigate through the Websphere. Our tools and resources are under constant attack however the above article by David Kaye as reported by the Columbia Journalism Review gives some ideas on just how we can remain productive.


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