
Showing posts from May, 2019

Exploring the World of Citizen Journalism

Citizen journalism has become the latest wave to crash onto the shores of media. This new dynamic appears to revolve around social media and short form platforms like blogs rather than the older standard of magazines, newspapers or even newsletters at a community level. Today, anyone with a smart device can be a journalist, capturing and reporting on moments that might otherwise be missed or ignored by what is called mainstream media. Has this phenomenon destroyed the usefulness of what was once known as "tier 1" media outlets? Arguably yes, take for instance the citizen journalists who roam the street and can react and report almost instantly on happenings going on right in front of them as it happens. This information can then be passed on to other outlets who were not on site OR might be inclined to adulterate the information once they get wind of it. That's my thought for today...back soon.